Cloudability Feature

Reservations, Savings Plans,
and Committed Usage Discounts (CUDs)

Maximize cost savings across cloud providers

Commitments such as AWS and Azure Savings Plans, Reserved Instances (RIs) or GCP CUDs provide great opportunities to save on cloud spend. Yet determining how much new spend is safe to commit to or how best to modify existing convertible RIs can be extremely time consuming – and is an ongoing process. Many organizations today still rely on complex spreadsheets for this analysis, and remain unsure if they are making the right decisions.

Gain a global view of your reservations, Savings Plans, and CUDs

IBM Cloudability makes it easy to understand and achieve the most savings by managing your portfolio of AWS and Azure RIs or Savings Plans along with your GCP CUDs. Take advantage of a global view of your commitments with alerts for those that are about to expire.

Identify candidates for purchase and modification

With our Reservations Planner, select any account for further analysis and receive recommendations for buying RIs, Savings Plan spend, GCP CUDs, or modifying current commitments for better coverage, as well as identifying commitments that are underused.

Set thresholds for time, utilization, and savings

Narrow down the range of recommendations by setting options and thresholds so you can focus on the recommendations that match your strategy.

  • Date range
  • Term length
  • Combine linked accounts
  • Savings rate threshold
  • Utilization rate threshold
  • Service-specific options

Analyze cash flows between options

Compare all options for RIs, Savings Plans, and CUDs based on your cash flow and financials. See exactly how much savings each option delivers against on-demand cost. Within IBM Cloudability, you can also view recommendations that guide you through modifying and exchanging reservations to maximize coverage and cost savings.

See Cloudability Features in Action

Contact us to start a free trial and explore Cloudability’s full feature set.

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