IBM Cloudability Feature


Automate and track cost optimization and data hygiene policies

Developing and managing tooling to help automate the shutdown and restart of resources can be time consuming and difficult to scale and manage. Often resources go unnoticed, resulting in you paying more for cloud resources than necessary.

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Perform regular hygiene and cleanup of idle resources

Set up and schedule routine, day-to-day cleanup of unattached EBS volumes for IBM Cloudability to programmatically perform on your behalf. Choose accounts and tags you’d like to scan for unattached volumes and configure how long an unattached volume should sit before our platform generates a snapshot and deletes the volume.

Automate shutdown and restart of resources for cost savings

You can also schedule shutdown and startup tasks for Cloudability to perform during periods of underutilization. Scale ASGs down and up on schedule or stop and start EC2s and RDS instances. Preview tasks and monitor the impact to your environment before scheduling a task. Once scheduled, review each task to see the number of resources affected by that run.

Enable governance to help manage cost within teams

Ensure all teams work within the same standards across your organization to take full advantage of the elastic, on-demand capabilities of the cloud, while continuously optimizing for costs.

See IBM Cloudability Features in Action

Contact us to start a free trial and explore Cloudability’s full feature set.

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