OKR Examples to Help You Successfully Define and Achieve Your Goals

Adaptable examples of Objectives & Key Results to boost success.

OKR examples are invaluable in helping organizations across various industries, personas, and levels to effectively set, measure, and achieve their goals. By studying examples of OKRs, you can better understand how to craft Objectives and Key Results tailored to your organization’s unique needs and context.

Examples of OKRs for Different Organizational Levels

OKRs are designed to cascade down within an organization, ensuring alignment and collaboration at all levels. The OKRs set by top-level executives should be linked to those at the department and team levels and eventually to individual OKRs. This alignment helps create a clear line of sight between individual contributions and overall company objectives.

Let’s take a look at an example of cascading OKRs for a company undergoing Agile transformation with the help of Apptio solutions:


Objective: Successfully implement Agile transformation across the organization.

Key Results:
1. Train 90% of employees on Agile methodologies.
2. Achieve a 20% increase in project delivery speed.
3. Increase customer satisfaction by 15%.

At the company level, the OKR focuses on the overall success of the Agile transformation, targeting employee training, project delivery speed, and customer satisfaction as Key Results.

Department-level (IT)

Objective: Train 90% of employees on Agile methodologies.

Key Results:
1. Develop and execute a comprehensive Agile training program.
2. Establish cross-functional teams for Agile projects.
3. Implement Apptio Targetprocess for enterprise Agile planning and management.

The IT department’s OKR directly aligns with the company-level Objective of implementing Agile transformation. The Key Results outline specific actions and tools, such as Apptio Targetprocess, to ensure the successful adoption of Agile methodologies.

Team-level (IT – project management)

Objective: Establish cross-functional teams for Agile projects.

Key Results:
1. Identify and assign team members from different departments.
2. Facilitate team collaboration through daily stand-ups and regular sprint reviews.
3. Monitor team performance using Apptio Targetprocess.

The project management team’s OKR aligns with the department-level Objective, focusing on creating cross-functional teams for Agile projects. The Key Results highlight the importance of collaboration and the use of Apptio Targetprocess to monitor team performance.

Individual-level (IT – project manager)

Objective: Monitor team performance using Apptio Targetprocess.

Key Results:
1. Attend a training session on Apptio Targetprocess.
2. Set up project dashboards and metrics within Apptio Targetprocess.
3. Share regular performance updates with team members and stakeholders.

At the individual level, the project manager’s OKR supports the team-level Objective of establishing cross-functional teams. The Key Results outline specific actions and tools, such as attending a training session on Apptio Targetprocess and setting up project dashboards to contribute to the team’s overall success.

This example demonstrates how OKRs can cascade down within an organization, linking Objectives and Key Results at each level to ensure alignment and collaboration toward the overarching goal of Agile transformation.

OKR Examples for Different Industries

Technology Industry OKR Example

Objective: Increase product adoption by 25% in Q3.

Key Results:
1. Launch a targeted marketing campaign to increase product awareness by 15%.
2. Improve onboarding experience, reducing user churn by 10%.
3. Collaborate with customer success team to increase customer satisfaction by 20%.

This example sets a clear, ambitious Objective and provides measurable Key Results that directly contribute to the Objective. By focusing on marketing, onboarding, and customer success, the company can holistically address the factors influencing product adoption.

Healthcare OKR Example

Objective: Improve patient satisfaction by 20% in Q4.

Key Results:
1. Reduce average patient wait time by 15 minutes.
2. Implement a patient feedback system and achieve an 80% response rate.
3. Train staff on empathy and communication skills to improve patient interactions.

This OKR targets critical aspects of patient satisfaction, such as wait times, feedback, and staff interaction. The Key Results are specific, measurable, and directly tied to improving the overall patient experience.

Finance Industry OKR Example

Objective: Increase profitability and cost efficiency.

Key Results:
1. Grow revenue by 15%.
2. Reduce operating expenses by 10%.
3. Increase net profit margin by 5%.

This finance industry OKR targets both revenue growth and cost efficiency, ensuring a balanced approach to improving profitability. The Key Results establish specific, measurable financial targets for revenue, expenses, and profit margin.

Industrial OKR Example

Objective: Enhance operational efficiency and safety.

Key Results:
1. Reduce production downtime by 20%.
2. Achieve a 10% decrease in workplace accidents.
3. Increase production output by 15%.

This OKR focuses on improving operational efficiency and safety, critical factors in industrial environments. The Key Results address measurable improvements in production downtime, workplace accidents, and output.

Departmental OKR Examples

Marketing Department OKR Example

Objective: Increase brand awareness and lead generation.

Key Results:
1. Achieve a 20% increase in website traffic.
2. Generate 15% more marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) per quarter.
3. Improve social media engagement by 25%.

This marketing department OKR emphasizes both brand awareness and lead generation, ensuring a balanced approach to marketing efforts. The Key Results focus on specific, measurable improvements, with clear targets that make tracking progress easy.

HR Department OKR Example

Objective: Improve employee engagement and retention.

Key Results:
1. Reduce employee turnover rate by 10%.
2. Implement at least three new employee engagement initiatives.
3. Achieve a 5% increase in employee satisfaction scores.

This HR department OKR targets employee engagement and retention, critical factors in building a successful organization. The Key Results address measurable improvements in employee satisfaction and turnover, with a focus on actionable initiatives.

Sales Department OKR Example

Objective: Increase sales revenue and customer acquisition.

Key Results:
1. Close 10% more deals per sales representative.
2. Increase average deal size by 15%.
3. Generate 20% more new customer accounts.

This sales department OKR prioritizes both revenue growth and customer acquisition. The Key Results emphasize specific, measurable goals for individual representatives and overall sales performance, driving accountability and results.

Legal Department OKR Example

Objective: Enhance legal compliance and reduce risk exposure.

Key Results:
1. Conduct comprehensive compliance audits for all business units.
2. Develop and implement a new risk mitigation plan.
3. Provide legal training to at least 90% of employees.

This legal department OKR focuses on ensuring the organization maintains compliance and minimizes risk. The Key Results address auditing, risk mitigation, and employee education, providing a comprehensive approach to legal risk management.

Engineering Department OKR Example

Objective: Improve product development efficiency and quality.

Key Results:
1. Reduce the average time from product concept to release by 15%.
2. Achieve a 10% decrease in reported bugs and issues.
3. Increase the frequency of product releases by 20%.

This engineering department OKR aims to enhance both the efficiency and quality of product development. The Key Results focus on specific, measurable improvements in development timelines, product quality, and release frequency.

OKR Examples for Different Positions

IT Finance Leader

Objective: Optimize IT spending efficiency by 10% in Q2.

Key Results:
1. Implement a centralized IT expense tracking system to reduce manual errors by 5%.
2. Conduct a comprehensive IT vendor review and renegotiate contracts to save 7% on costs.
3. Increase the utilization of existing IT assets by 15%.

This OKR example is tailored for an IT finance leader, focusing on spending efficiency. The Key Results address expense tracking, vendor management, and asset utilization, providing a well-rounded approach to optimizing IT spending.

Agile PMO

Objective: Improve project delivery success rate by 30% in Q1.

Key Results:

1. Implement a standardized project management framework across all teams.
2. Train 90% of project team members in Agile methodologies.
3. Reduce the average number of project blockers by 20%.

This OKR is well-suited for an Agile PMO, as it targets project delivery success through the implementation of a standardized framework, team training, and reduction of project blockers. The Key Results are specific and measurable, facilitating progress tracking.

Project Manager

Objective: Ensure successful project delivery and stakeholder satisfaction.

Key Results:
1. Complete 95% of projects on time and within budget.
2. Achieve an average stakeholder satisfaction rating of 4.5/5.
3. Implement standardized project management processes across all teams.

This project manager OKR targets successful project delivery and stakeholder satisfaction, essential aspects of effective project management. The Key Results focus on specific, measurable goals related to project completion, stakeholder satisfaction, and process standardization, ensuring a well-rounded approach to project management.

Product Owner OKR Example

Objective: Enhance product functionality and user experience.

Key Results:
1. Launch at least three new product features based on customer feedback.
2. Achieve a 10% increase in user satisfaction scores.
3. Reduce customer-reported issues by 15%.

This product owner OKR emphasizes the importance of improving product functionality and user experience. The Key Results target specific, measurable improvements in feature development, user satisfaction, and issue resolution, ensuring a customer-centric approach to product management.

FinOps Director OKR Example

Objective: Optimize cloud spending and resource utilization.

Key Results:
1. Reduce overall cloud spending by 10%.
2. Increase resource utilization efficiency by 15%.
3. Implement a cloud cost monitoring and reporting system across all departments.

This FinOps director OKR focuses on optimizing cloud spending and resource utilization, critical factors for organizations using cloud infrastructure. The Key Results establish specific, measurable goals related to cost reduction, efficiency improvements, and monitoring and reporting, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing cloud expenses.

By examining these OKR examples across various industries, personas, and organizational levels, you can better understand how to create effective Objectives and Key Results tailored to your unique business context. A well-crafted OKR will drive alignment, engagement, and measurable progress toward your organization’s most critical goals.

Leveraging Targetprocess for OKR Success and Strategic Planning

Targetprocess, a leading enterprise Agile planning and management tool, can be instrumental in helping your organization effectively implement, manage, and track OKRs across various industries, positions, and organizational levels. By utilizing Targetprocess’s powerful features and capabilities for OKR planning and management, you can ensure that your organization remains focused on achieving its strategic objectives. Learn more about how Targetprocess can support your OKR initiatives and explore our comprehensive strategic planning and OKRs solution to further enhance your organization’s goal-setting and achievement process.

Leading your organization with OKRs

The modern workplace has changed dramatically in recent years. Teams are more distributed as organizations embrace remote work, posing a challenge to leaders to ensure their teams’ everyday activities are aligned with organizational goals while fostering an inclusive, collaborative, and empowering work environment.

Leaders need a way to provide their teams with clear directions while ensuring flexibility and freedom to decide how they will achieve their goals. Many successful teams have adopted Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to help them do it.