5 Ways Your Project Financial Planning Process Can Fail

5 Ways Your Project Financial Planning Process Can Fail thumb

53% of IT leaders can’t accurately budget and forecast build costs and 67% can’t accurately budget and forecast run costs.

Planning for IT projects requires collaboration between the project management office (PMO), IT Finance, and project owners. It involves both the planning of resources to execute project work and the cost of those resources needed to budget and forecast project spend. The ultimate goal is to deliver projects with the greatest impact to the business.

Download this eBook to learn the 5 ways your project financial planning process can fail and how you can fix it.

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53% of IT leaders can’t accurately budget and forecast build costs and 67% can’t accurately budget and forecast run costs.

Planning for IT projects requires collaboration between the project management office (PMO), IT Finance, and project owners. It involves both the planning of resources to execute project work and the cost of those resources needed to budget and forecast project spend. The ultimate goal is to deliver projects with the greatest impact to the business.

Download this eBook to learn the 5 ways your project financial planning process can fail and how you can fix it.

5 Ways Your Project Financial Planning Process Can Fail thumb