Planning Poker within Targetprocess

Sprint Planning is a key meeting during scrum development. The Development Team meets the product owner to discuss the backlog, estimate complexity, and commit to the scope they believe can be completed by the end of the sprint. With Planning Poker this process becomes a fun way to build consensus estimates.

We are thrilled to share that the Planning Poker framework is now integrated into Targetprocess.

As a Team Lead with the Targetprocess estimation tool, you can now stay in the system, get voting results from the team, and tweak and apply them to the Effort field with one click. Your remote team members also benefit, staying in the context of a story in discussions, and playing on the mobile or desktop versions without the need to download or register on extra apps.

Enabling the Estimation Tool

You can contact our support team via Live Chat or send an email to to activate the Estimation tool for your account.

When the feature is enabled, you’ll see the ‘Estimate’ button in the top right corner in User Stories, Bugs, and Tasks views. If you need this button displayed in any other entity views, just post a request to our support team to customize the required views.

How it works


Click the “Estimate” button when you’re ready to start an estimation session. If you don’t have an active estimation session running yet, it will create a new one. If you have one up and running, it will be used for the selected entity estimates voting.

To invite other team members to the started session, use the “Copy Session Link” button to share a session link with your team. You will see who joins the session in real time and whether they have voted or not. When all the team members have voted you see the results. If there is no consent on the vote, you have several options: you can either apply the result manually to the field, choose one from the range or restart the voting session

When you’ve  finished estimating the current entity, you can switch to the next card. The estimation tool will work for the next entity with the same session link previously shared with your team members.

In Estimation Settings of the shared session you can change the default role, which the estimation will be posted to, and change the scoring scale.est settings

Estimation client

The estimate tool looks like the following image for a member that’s about to vote:

Client interface

Selecting ‘Show details’ allows you to see the entity description. As soon as a new entity is selected for voting, the application displays it. The layout is responsive, so you can vote from mobile devices.


Measuring team happiness in your retrospectives is a good habit to develop. You can build a chart of happiness over time, and see the trends and impacts of events on the happiness of your team members. To simplify this process, we’ve added a happiness vote to our Estimation tool as well. The mechanism of happiness voting is the same, except that voting results are posted as a comment.

Happiness results

For now, happiness voting is available in the Retrospective solution, which can also be enabled by request.


